Tuesday, May 29, 2007

They are going to freeze my WHAT!

So I was torturing myself today by reading up on the procedure I'm suppose to have tomorrow. It all sounds terrible but I was interested in reading how other people made out and what their experiences had been. Some said they had nothing more than mild cramps, others would lead you to believe it was hell. So I'm skimming over someone's post about their HSG when a word jumps off the page: Lidocaine.

Suddenly it occurs to me that this means they may be doing some freezing south of the equator, and then the panic. I could barely breathe. I listed in my 7 random things meme was the fact that I am terrified of dentists. This extends to a overall phobia of needles and, in particular, freezing. At Pilates the instructor tries to get us to tighten everything up by telling us to imagine that someone is coming at your "who-ha" with a pin. Well someone may actually try it tomorrow!!! WTF!

Once I started breathing again, thanks to RB who made me laugh in spite of myself, I started reading again and that was the only mention of freezing in connection with the HSG. Now it could just be that everyone assumes you know and the subsequent abdominal pain makes them forget about the freezing but I can't imagine that some of the more detailed overviews would leave something like that out. RB also spoke to someone who had one done at our hospital and they said they did not have any freezing. Whew! Hubby may actually get me through the doors if there is only a chance of freezing. Once they get me on the table it will be a little harder to run away.

Getting back to the "syndrome" I have been thinking about Bambi vs. Godzilla ever since Hubby so delicately pointed out that I was a monster. If you haven't seen this VERY short cartoon it is worth checking out.


Miss Me said...

okay - i had to look up what an HSG was... clearly, i've never had one! i have had some other unpleasant procedures involving exactly the same "parts" involving biopsy. they didn't use freezing... i wasn't nearly as bad as i expected. good luck and may the news be GOOD!

km said...

On the freezing...I don't want to get into how I know this, but...
What freezes...MELTS! So wear a pad after. Or when you decide you're felling like going out to dinner...and park in the parking garage really far from the resteraunt...you may have to wear your hubbys jacket tied around your waist so it doesn't look like you peed. Not like I know this or anything! km

Thanks for stopping in! - CC