Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Book Challange is a grand success!

The book challenge seems to be a great success. Monkey is so excited when I stopped by last night to mend a CareBear (Aunt Teecee fixes things)he came running with a pile of books. When I told him we could read two books and that would bring us up to 14 he started dancing around singing and counting to 14. He has even asked to go to the library early this week and so I will be taking him tonight - who can resist a request like that! (Shh, don't tell the monkey but we are also going to see Shrek tonight!)

I was trying to think of the best way to track our progress, since Monkey can't read a list is a little useless to him. I decided to create a blog with images of the book covers so he can see the ones we have read and remember the story from the cover. I've had many emails and comments on this book challenge and anyone interested in following our progress can visit Teecee and Monkey's Reading Challenge to see how we are doing. Monkey and I are also recording which books we really liked and our favourite thing from each story so if you have young children in your life you could get some good ideas.

This weekend was a long weekend in Canada, formally known as Victoria Day weekend, informally known as the May 2-4 Weekend. We spent our 2-4 at a rented cottage on the bay. It was rainy and miserable outside but a whole lot of fun inside. Hubby and a friend went into town on Saturday night to see B.B. King, the rest of us holed up in the cottage all weekend with cards,Yahtzee and the Bob and Doug McKenzie 2-4 Anniversary Special. A great time was had by all.

Back to the grind today! (At least this is a short week.)

1 comment:

km said...

I love this idea. I'm always reading to my little ones...and for the first time I'll be keeping track. I'll probably check back to see what stories you like...and maybe add them to our list to check out. Thanks for sharing. KM (felted bag exchange)

Thanks for stopping in! - CC