Friday, June 1, 2007

A mixed bag of bloggy goodness.

First a SFBE Update
My Spring Bag Exchange Swapee is none other than Miss Me. Who writes me lovely and supportive notes on my rantings although we have only ever spoke online. I knew my cover would be blown when she received the first package This is because:

A) I screwed up the anonymous email and used my initial and last name when registering the "super secret" hotmail account.
B) As the only other participant from NB I knew she'd have it figured out as soon as she saw the postal code.

I found out from a mutual friend (that sly Canknitian) that she works literally right around the corner from my office so I decided to surprise her a different way. I had a handsome delivery guy (Hubby) deliver a package of goodies to her office today. We will make plans to meet sometime soon for lunch so she can receive her felted bag and we can meet face-to-face for the first time.

Secondly, a Monkey update:
Monkey and I are up to 43 books on our 100 book challenge. Yesterday at the library we read 20! This will keep me busy updating our website. After spending all evening at the library we went home to find the little brown bunny that has taken up residence under the deck having a snack in the back yard. Monkey sneaks outside and gets surprisingly close before the bunny takes off with Monkey bouncing behind him. He then gets the idea that he is going to make some sticky glue to catch that bunny. Our friend J asks him what he is going to do once he catches the bunny. Monkey doesn't hesitate "I'm gonna eated him!" he says with glee. Now this was not the answer J. (or anyone) expected but what makes it hilarious is that J. is a vegetarian and it would be the absolutely worst thing he could have suggested.

Thirdly, a sad note:
We have recently lost another soldier from our local base in Afghanistan. This is the 9th man killed since the troops left in February. He was a military photographer and someone my sister knew from his volunteer work with the animal shelter. I'm afraid it is only the beginning and only a matter of time before it is someone I know. It is incredibly sad.

On a related note - they recently the local tv station last weekend re-aired the funeral for the first 8 soldiers killed. The memorial was held on April 25th and it seems odd to me that it would be used as a time-filler on local tv. Yes, it is a local tragedy but as a family member I'm not sure I would want to be flipping by the channels and come across the funeral of my husband or brother. It just seems to be in poor taste. I have spent my whole life "near" the military but we were not a military family. Perhaps this is normal for a military funeral but it struck me as odd.

Fourthly, a good animal story!
Yesterday a young deer stormed our Legislature. The deer ran in through a side door, through the building, into the press gallery and out a window. (There were no signs the deer was hurt) The security videos are wild. This happened just across the street from my office. Hubby is now referring to the intruder as Al-Quadeer and wants to know why the deer hate our freedoms.

Finally, I'm being kidnapped by my Sis and that sly Canknitian.
Hard to say where I'll end up with those two. All I've been told is that I need to have clean undies and be prepared to not come home tomorrow night.
Should be interesting!


lauriec said...

As a military spouse (my husband is on his 4th deployment in 5 yrs & his 3rd in Iraq) I would NOT want to have that televised. It galls me that the media thinks nothing of getting the faces of the families on such a tragic occasion.

That being said, I am so sorry for this loss. It's never easy losing friends.

And finally---way to go w/ the Monkey!!!

Cass said...

Just wanted to say how much I've enjoyed your blog since I found it a few days ago. FUN name! Keep blogging! :)

Thanks for stopping in! - CC