Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Back by popular demand!

Hey there folks! Did you wonder if I was really and truly kidnapped? Well I was but it was only for the day. Initially they planned to take me repelling a couple of hours away from here. (This explains the instructions for the clean undies and pink leotard.)

Unfortunately we were not able to go on Saturday so I spent the day on my swing, with a book and some yarn. Friday night I hung out with my buddy Bean at the airport while we waited for his lovely wife and their two infants to arrive home from Texas. Saturday night we hosted a BBQ and Stanley Cup Finals party.

My friend the lucky lottery winner came by to watch the game. While he was bragging up the new house his girlfriend was having a conversation about how she “just can’t seem to put on weight!” They were both promptly pelted with baby carrots for being both skinny AND rich”. (Actually, I’m very happy for both of them and can’t wait to see the inside when they move in next month.)

On Sunday I was given a 15 minute warning that the kidnappers were on their way. We hopped in the car and headed out of town. Silly me, I thought we would just hit the regular stores but sis and Canknitian had another plan. We ended up at a yarn shop! While Canknitian and I fondled the yummy yarns, Sis made a fuss over the pup and struck up a conversation about spinning dog hair. (She is a groomer.) She said after we left that listening to us in the yarn shop was like listening to another language. She is not at all crafty and had no idea what anyone was saying! She said she only understood about every third word. “ Blah, blah socks, blah blah wool, blah blah green”

She was a good sport and we were soon off to lunch (very yummy treat from Canknitian) and then to Costco! The retail therapy, or just being busy seems to be working. Unfortunately it was not enough to curb my spending at the fabric shop where I bought material to make two dresses on Monday night.

Part of the reason I’ve been missing from this blog is that I’ve been busy updating the Monkey and Teecee website with all the great books we’ve been reading. We are nearly half-way through our 100 books with 43 down! We will break 50 this Thursday on library night! I think I’ll buy a big balloon or something in advance to have once we read the 50th book. He LOVES his website and brags (almost as much as I do about our book challenge.)

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Thanks for stopping in! - CC