Friday, June 22, 2007

Off on an adventure!

Hubby and I had a wonderful anniversary. We went to a new resturant and he got me a fabulous set of bamboo knitting needles! The set has 12 pairs so I will have all the sizes I need for my crafty goodness. Thanks to everyone for all the congratulatory messages.

Last night I took my Papa his Papa's Day present - a bonzai tree. He loved it. Everything else he has tried to grow outside has been eaten by the deer including the giant buds on his peony just before they were about to open. Poor Papa!

Today we are taking the Monkey on an adventure! We are taking him with us for the weekend while we visit my in-laws. He is looking forward to digging for treasure on the beach. Unfortunately the water won't be warm enough for swimming but it looks like it will be a cloudy weekend anyway. A big thunder storm has just rolled in that will hopefully help to clear things up.

On the family front Big Bro has got himself a lawyer and will hopefully follow their advice. Lil Sis is planning her "Christmas in June" party in honour of her friend's visit home, Lil' Bro is going to fail Grade 7 - Yikes! He should have seen it coming since he hardly went to school at all this year. He kept saying that his Mom would make sure they didn't fail him. I have no doubt she tried everything in her power to make them change their minds but it looks like he'll be stuck in Middle School an extra year. Maybe it will motivate him to go to class next year.

My Father's Day call to my Dad was the usual annual disaster.
Here is the synopsis:

CC: Happy Father's Day! I haven't heard from you in a while, what's going on?

Dad: Hey guess what, They are after me for child support for your Lil' Bro but I've got it figured out and I can avoid paying for at least another year by ignoring it, playing games and dragging things out.

CC: Here are all the reasons that is a bad idea....

Dad: That's not the way it works. Besides why should I? She has lots of money.

CC: Listen to me, I am your daughter the lawyer, I write books on this for a living.

Dad: I know what I'm talking about I've been to court for child support before, you know. Besides its the principle.

CC: Yeah, well things have changed in the last 20 years and people can waste a whole lot of time and a whole lot of money on a principle.

Dad: Whatever.

CC: Well, I've got to run! Nice talking to you.

Not sure why I even bother. Lil' Sis can just listen to him rant without the need to correct him but I just can't he baits me and I can't resist. I need to work on that in the next year - is there such a thing as a Father's Day Resolution?

I just had to share the letter I received from my cousin's ten year old daughter. Last year I had given her a set of stationary, pencils, stickers and pre-addressed envelopes so we could write back and forth. She wrote a couple of times but then lost interest. I just receieved another letter from her that reads:

who is the wether up ther. it raind sunday and monday up here
say Hi to my grammey and grammps for me plesa.
I have a picter for you. oh I have a Joke
Where can you alwhas find happe nis
the anser is under the flap

(a little purple scrap of paper is taped below)
the dichsonary

Love Kendar (Kendra)

I think it too cute. It is definately a keeper. I'll have to write back today so she can get her response right away.


NH Knitting Mama said...

The phone call with your Dad sounds as frustrating as calls I used to have with my sister. Are you the oldest sibling? I am, and I do the same thing you do... feel responsible so I have to correct and try to help them do the right thing. In the end, I'm the one who ends up frustrated!

Have a great weekend!

Miss Me said...

there's a good reason that i live approx. 1000km away from my family. i talk to my older sister regularly (because she's sane!), but i rarely talk to my younger sister (who is not sane, or normal...) and my mom depends. i love them all, but sometimes its just too much.
bonne fin de semaine! amusez-vous bien!

LaurieM said...

Hi! I'm on Team Canada with you for Dishrag Tag and I just wanted to introduce myself.


Crafty Canadian said...

Good guess nh knitting mama! I have the distinction of being both the oldest and a middle child. I am the oldest of my mother's children (Lil' Sis and I) and the second oldest on My Father's side (Big Bro, Me, Lil' Sis, Lil' Bro). I wonder what the psychiatrist would say about that!

Thanks for stopping in! - CC