Thursday, June 7, 2007

Knitter's Virtual Vacation Swap

Okay so I'm hooked! I've signed up for another swap. The Knitter's Virtual Vacation Swap.
I have already started collecting goodies from NB for the lucky swapee. I just love the idea of showing off some of my New Brunswick pride!

If you could visit any state in the US which would it be and why?
Tough question, I’d like to go someplace warm but without the touristy hype of Florida or California. (Okay maybe Hawaii) I prefer small towns and isolated beaches to big cities. Oh and of course, someplace with great yarn shops! Any recommendations?

If you could visit any country in the world, other than your own, which would it be and why?
No fair, there is still so much of Canada I have yet to see! But if you insist, I’d say Greece because I did my undergrad in Classics and would like to actually see the places, art and architecture I studied first hand. I missed out on a trip last year with friends because the booked 7 months in advance and I was really hoping to be pregnant by then. I really regret missing out on the opportunity.

Have you ever driven across several states/provinces/countries?
Yes! Most driving in one day took us from New Brunswick to Toronto and back as far as Montreal. Okay so it was more of a day and a half when we arrived in Montreal at 2am. I also took a bus trip to Boston in high school. I would love to drive all the way across Canada someday.

Have you ever visited someplace you consider exotic? Where was it?
Nope, the furthest south I’ve been is Florida. I am planning a trip someplace tropical next April.

What was your favourite “travel” vacation?
I had a really good time in the Rockies last year with Hubby.

Have you ever played tourist in you own home city/state?
Every year we hit our favourite vacation destination with up to 30 of our closest friends. Our own beach on the sunny shores of Anse-Bleue, New Brunswick! My in-laws graciously host a long weekend birthday celebration and turn their backyard into a tent city. There are 408 people who live in Anse-Bleue a tiny French community on the Baie de Chaleur. Our annual pilgrimage increases the population by at least 5% for August.

Are you a museum visitor, beach comber or an amusement seeker?
I am more of a Beachcomber (couldn’t resist the link) but I do love a museum. When Hubby was in the hospital in Toronto I spent a lot of time at the Royal Ontario Museum.

What is your favourite type of yarn?
While I have to give a shout-out to the local Briggs and Little, I love the bright colours of the Paton’s Classics.

What is your least favourite type of yarn?
That eyelash crap.

What items do you like to knit/crochet?
I’m on a felted bag kick. (like everyone else) but I am learning to knit socks and mitts.

What do you pack, knit/crochet wise when you go on vacation?
I pack my big orange knitter’s tote with a couple of different projects because I never know what I’ll be in the mood for.

What other crafts do you do/would like to do other than knit or crochet?
I like to try just about everything (thus the 101 unmarketable skills) I have yet to try rug hooking but a friend as taken it up and I’m not sure how long I can resist before trying it.

Are you allergic to anything? (yarn wise or treat wise)

What is your favorite color? Least favorite?
My favourite colours are lilacs and sages. My least favourite is peach.

Sweet or Savory (Treat not personality)?
Sweet, Sweet, Sweet!

Anything we are forgetting to ask that you think your partner desperately needs to know?
No, if there is anything you need to know just ask!


Miss Me said...

hubby is from anse-bleu? hmmm... we're going to have fun playing "small world"! ; )

Sharon said...

You went to Boston and not Philly or DC? hmm, selective teachers LOL

The other comment put that song in my head... its a small world after all, its a small world after all... ;-)

NH Knitting Mama said...

We're in the same two swaps right now. I can't wait for them to actually start!

Anonymous said...


It's your swap pal. I just wanted to let you know I made contact earlier this week but didn't sign it as your pal, just as anonymous.

Crafty Canadian said...

Thanks for touching base Pal!

Thanks for stopping in! - CC