Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Poopid People Everywhere!

Whew, I think everyone has survived the worst of the rollercoaster for this month. I had a relatively calm day today (slight flare-ups here and there) but all in all I'm getting back to normal. I may even pick up my knitting tonight. (Too crazy to craft is a bad state of affairs!)

I got a great stretch at my Bendy Class. A bunch of friends have been taking private Pilates classes once a week. It is sooo much better to giggle, gasp and groan in the company of close friends. I am the furthest thing from a fitness freak, in fact I left class and came home to roast beast and gravy, but I do really enjoy a great stretch.

Sis called last night to tell me the Monkey, at 4 years old, had outsmarted her. The conversation when something like this:
Monkey: Mom, can I say "stupid"?
Mom: No, its a bad word and we don't use it.
Monkey: mmmm, can I say "Poop"?
Mom: Yes,"poop" is not a bad word, but its still not nice.
Monkey: mmmmmmm, can I say "Poopid"?
Mom: Poopid?
Monkey: Yeah, (giggle)cause its is so poopid(giggle).

She said he played her perfectly. It was so calculated and sneaky and it completely took her by surprise. Not surprisingly "poopid" has become her new favourite word.

Off to bed early tonight! Tommorrow I have to do 5 back-to-back presentations, which means I can either scare the pants off 150 Grade 9 students or I can bore them to tears! I may just switch it up a bit from class to class. I love my job.

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