Monday, March 26, 2007

Close call

Let me begin by saying, I know I am completely crazy.

Today is probably the peak of this month's Clomid craze but having been on this rollercoaster for quite sometime I have become quite adept at concealling the crazy. I can generally rant internally while keeping up the "sane" facade. I recognize that I have a heightened reaction to those things which normally just bug me.

The problem arises when something that would normally make me angry, upset or frustrated sets off uncontrollable tears, rage or stress. Today I came far too close to letting loose on my boss. The tirade was on the tip of my tongue when I had a split-second thought that this may end badly, and walked away. Rest assured that if I had actually said what was on my mind I would not have a job. Thankfully I had a brief moment of clarity and walked away, packed up my laptop and went to work at home.

Not only am I under the influence of raging hormones, this just happens to be the year end and my most stressful week of the year. By 10:00 this morning it felt like I had put in a full week. I started the day preparing to destroy the first year law student who did some "research" for me. He was saved by the bell when the phone rang and I had to ask The Ostrich to pull her head out of the sand and actually make a decision.

For the greater good I should find something to keep me occupied tonight. If you don't hear from me tomorrow I'm probably in jail.

1 comment:

Miss Me said...

uh-huh... yes - moments of clarity are essential to our survival. now, you at least have a very good excuse for the crazies. me? not so much... however, try to stay out of jail, but as a lawyer, you'd have a better idea as to whether you could claim temporary insanity.

Thanks for stopping in! - CC