Thursday, March 8, 2007

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall ...

The other night we had my Lil Bro, Lil Sis and the Monkey over for supper. Sis had cut Lil Bro's hair at the dog groomers. (She told him his head wasn't that different from a dog's ass.) She cut everything but the front and you should have seen the two of them laugh when we stopped at the hairdresser to get it fixed.

Lil Bro was looking for a mirror and Hubby told him there was one on the wall. The Monkey, who was playing nearby, says to himself "Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, who's the fairest of them all?"

So I asked him "Who is the fairest of them all?" and he said I WAS! In fact, ten minutes later he made a point of telling Hubby "Your not the fairest of them all, Aunt Teecee is the fairest."

When I picked him up from daycare tonight he told me again. When I said that it made me happy when he said that he let out a big "Woooohooo!" and told me it made him happy too.

I love my Monkey.


Natalie said...

that is the cutest story ever..:*)

Miss Me said...

aren't little boys grand? sweet.

Thanks for stopping in! - CC