Saturday, March 3, 2007

Check with your doctor before beginning a new diet

So I told my Dr. about my plans for the “All Ice Cream Fertility Diet” and she said “Go for it!” Now it could be that she really didn’t take me seriously but you should never doubt how far a woman will go to have a baby - especially if it involves ice cream.

Although I'm sure it is already on the list somewhere I should add "Super Genius". I am going to create a line of Gourmet Fertility/Prenatal Ice Cream. It would contain all of the folic acid and vitamins that you need when you are trying to get pregnant and through pregnancy and would feature such flavours as "Quadruple Chocolate" and "Vanilla and Dill Pickle". Because it caters to the infertility and prenatal crowd I could easily charge 500% more than regular ice cream. Yup, Super Genius it is.

My friends did have a good point; you run the risk of overdosing on the vitamins if you eat the whole tub of ice cream. They suggested making the vitamins as sprinkles that could be added separately.

We had a welcome home party for DC who just came back from two months in China with her beau. We are getting so old; we were all fading and ready to head home by 11:00. It could have been the snow storm; I think we got something like 15-20cm. The roads were snow filled but not terrible. Hubby played chauffer and picked up and dropped off some of the girls. He is a good sport; once again he was the only man at the party.

DC brought me a lovely purse and a pretty bracelet back from her travels.

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