I came home yesterday after a lonnng day at work and an appointment discussing transplant centers with the cardiologist and decided that all I wanted to do was lay in the sun. I changed out of my work clothes and stretched out on the living room floor under the picture window. I was going to pretend it was a beautiful sunny day and not the last week of March.
It lasted for about 2 minutes before the kitten decided to pounce on a shadow and use my face as the launch pad. OUCH! I had two fresh scars for my presentation tonight. I tried my best to pull it off as the newest fad. It is two bright red lines coming from the corners of my eye. I put on a pound of make-up, darker lipstick to draw attention away from my eye. I also posted a picture of the vicious 8 pound puffball that attacked me as the backdrop for my presentation.
It must have worked because I had some very positive comments on the presentation despite the fact that the material is dreadfully boring. I'm leaving tomorrow for my last tax law information session. I can't wait to have it over and done with. On a high note, the script for my video new video for youth victims has been approved I will soon start to working on a project for youth in foster care. Something with more 'life' to it than tax law.
I'll be taking my WIP to work on in the hotel! I can't wait for a little downtime, I can lay around without fear of a kitten making trackmarks on my face.